We have tried to tell you about who we are and what we do, but we would also like you to "hear" about us from those who have actually worked with us and experienced the extraordinary results we helped them create. From Singapore to the Netherlands you can read these testimonials. You can also watch a few video interviews with Altiris execs, managers, and employee as they talk about the exciting results they experienced and what they learned about KM and KCS as they worked with us.
If you would like to study the details of what our clients have experienced, check out these the case studies. They include specifics of the dramatic improvements we led, as measured by metrics that show the real results, not just our "say so." Can you duplicate these results? As long as you are willing as an organization to do what they did, absolutely. With the right leadership and guidance, any organization can do it. And you will find the investment you make in our services will be returned many times over. Just what you will save by not wasting time and resources making mistakes you could have avoided will more than pay for our involvement.
We have worked with many international, global organizations. And with delightful people in 20 different countries, representing may different nationalities, cultures, and languages. Check out some photos from those experiences, and the people in these photos that were consistently kind and welcoming to us. We have proved that our approach works with any group of people, from any country, and any culture.
If you would like to know more about us, we have short biographies on the founders of KnowledgeTraks. Learn more about their backgrounds and experience with Knowledge Management and Knowledge Centered Support (KCS), Training, Coaching, and other skills.